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Kidtime Christian Academy FAQ's 

Please review our FAQs for answers to most of the common questions we receive on a regular basis

COVID-19 Guidelines and preparedness plan

What guidelines and policies have you implemented to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 at KCA?

We know that this is a very difficult and challenging time of uncertainty for all families and we are doing our best to meet and address those challenges. Like many other businesses, we have had to make many adjustments and changes to our program to ensure a healthy and safe environment for all. Please accept our apologies in advance as we navigate through this new normal.


To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 we have implemented the following guidelines provided to us by the Virginia Department of Social Services. 


We have established communication protocols with VDSS and VDH, and we continue to closely monitor events.


We have increased indoor and outdoor circulation. added air purification systems in each classroom, as well as incorporated more outdoor playtime. 


If children, staff, or parents develop COVID-19 symptoms, we follow the latest guidance from VDH and CDC.


Social Distancing at KCA

Staff and student ratio capacity has been reduced to 10 per room in support of the social distancing guideline. This reduces our total student ratios to 33 students on any given day until the restrictions have been lifted and directed by VDSS. 


Achieving “social distancing” with young children is very challenging and nearly impossible. Our team members are in close proximity to children because they need to provide care and supervision. Our team members do their best to teach preschool-aged children to maintain a safe social distance from their peers as much as possible to limit physical proximity as best as they are able to. 


Our team members keep groups of children together to maintain consistency and help reduce exposure.


We have implemented small group activities and encourage our students to play individually and limit group activities.


We have physically rearranged our rooms as best as possible to promote individual play and small group interaction.


We feed children in their individual classes and we have rearranged our tables to ensure that there is at least six feet of space between groups,


We stagger recess and limit outside play to a total of 10 individuals at a time.


If an enrolled family member, child, or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 

KCA administrators will notify all families and staff members, immediately close the school for deep cleaning and sanitization, and contact VDH for guidance and additional instructions prior to re-opening.


Any staff member or child that tests positive for COVID-19 must quarantine for a period of 14 days. After the quarantine period has ended, all parents of infected students and or staff members must have cleared Drs. note prior to returning back to KCA.  


Please note that in the event of someone becoming infected within our school. we will have to keep the school temporarily closed for up to 14 days or until we have been cleared by VDH. 


Staff awareness and daily health checks

All of our team members provide daily health checks and temperature checks upon entry for both staff and students. We also ask if medications were used to lower a child’s temperature and if there are any household members with COVID-19.


We have shared information on how to stop the spread of COVID-19 by promoting everyday protective measures and providing staff with face coverings and the option to wear a face-covering while at school.


Visible signs of sickness or fever 

Our team members are required to wear disposable gloves when screening children for illness.

If there are any visible signs of a child being sick or having a fever, we will immediately isolate the child from their peers and contact their parents to be picked up immediately. Any team member or child with a fever of 100.4° F or higher, cough, or shortness of breath must be excluded from our program and isolated from others.


If a team member or a child has any symptoms of sickness or fever not related to COVID-19, then parents will be required to keep their child at home and have their child tested for the illness. Prior to returning back to KCA, the parent must have an all-clear Drs. note to ensure that their child is healthy enough to return and not contiguous. 


If a team member is not feeling well or is sick, then we ask that team member to stay home and seek medical attention if they are displaying any symptoms related to COVID-19 or running a fever. Once they have received an all-clear from their Dr. they will need to provide our administrative team with their Drs. note prior to returning to work. 


Touchless and quick check-in and check-out

One of our friendly team members will perform daily check in-check outs outside of the front entrance. Each parent is required to provide their secure authentication credentials during check-in and check-out for each child.   


Handwashing and sanitizing

Staff and students are required to wash their hands after recess, after each visit to the restroom, before meal preparation, and before each snack and lunch is served. 


Team members use hand sanitizers and wipes to disinfect, clean, and sanitize frequently touched eliminate or dramatically reduce multiple individuals touching the same surface.


We advise children, families, and staff to help reduce the spread of germs by avoiding contact with their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands and covering coughs or sneezes.


We clean and disinfect toys and surfaces with EPA-approved disinfectants, including porous and non-porous surfaces and linens.

We have removed play items like soft or plush toys that are not easily cleaned, sanitized, or disinfected.


Supplies, toys, and teaching materials

We have limited item sharing and shared teaching materials to those that can be easily cleaned and disinfected at the end of the day or more often as needed.


We have removed the sharing of electronic devices, toys, books, games, and learning aids.


We have removed and minimized the sharing of high-touch materials to the extent possible (art supplies and limited use of supplies so that they can be cleaned and disinfected between uses.


Students belongings 

Parents are responsible for providing fresh daily reusable water bottles which are to be taken home each day for proper cleaning. Students can bring a single bag or backpack with them to carry their essential items. We keep each child’s belongings separated and in individually labeled cubbies.


Students must take their belongings home each day and parents are responsible for cleaning their belongings.


Can my child wear a face mask or face covering?  

We provide all families with the option to allow their child to wear a face mask or face covering. , however, we cannot enforce a child to keep their face mask or face covering on them at all times because young children have the tendency to remove it when it bothers them. Wearing a face mask throughout the school day is extremely challenging for young children and equally as challenging to supervise and manage. 


Please contact us if you have further questions or would like to learn more about our program.

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